Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kaicho wa Maid-Sama - Chapter 63 – The strongest maid in School. This maid seems like in LOVE deeply!!!

Konnichiwa minasan! I just finished reading the chapter 63 of KWMS in the Chinese version. This is another interesting chapter, thus, I will brief the story to you all while waiting for the PO English scan. Enjoy reading! :)

“Welcome back! Misaki-chan!” The boss of the maid latte welcomed back Misaki in a high spirit way. She was excited to ask Misaki about the happenings of the field trip between her and Usui as it was their 1st high school field trip after they started dating and she was expecting some exciting things had happened to them. However, Misaki had decided not to say anything after she recalled what had happened in the night of the raining, that she had hugged Usui.

One week after the field trip, the school students were gossiping about the matter of the Devil School Prez and Usui were a couple. Some students were whispering at the back of Misaki that they wondering was it a truth or just a rumour and all the students were looking at Misaki. (Misaki - gossip target no.1). Shizuko said to Misaki, “the whole school has known about the rumours!” Sakura-chan also asked Misaki, “Is it ok for you for such matter?!” Misaki then answered them “As a matter of fact, I couldn’t do anything now!”.

Usui suddenly appeared and grabbed Misaki by her shoulder and said “this is what we are looking forward!”. All the students were surprised by him. (Usui – gossip target no.2). Misaki then swung Usui’s hand off from her shoulder and said, “You gotta behave yourself as here is school!”. Usui was depressed by it. Sakura-chan then told Misaki that she should not treat Usui like that as he was her boyfriend and that was the reason the students said it was a rumour that both of them were couple. Misaki then heard a few boys whispering, “See? This is just the rumour as Usui is just playing with her!”  The school boys then said the only person who liked the Devil School Prez was the transfer student, named Hinata, as they were childhood friends and Misaki was more lady in younger time as now had became the Devil woman. They even suspected if Misaki would fall in love, as she did not know how to do housework, cooking. They continued saying that Usui was totally different from Misaki that he did everything perfectly and the ordinary girls did not match to him, thus the school girls of the Seika High were the ones to out of the list in first place. Sakura-chan was very mad after she heard all those boys said about it. She could not hold her temper anymore once she heard the boys said “It’s impossible for Usui-sempai to choose the school Prez!” Sakura-chan then started to quarrel with the boys and said that was how a girl who was in love like and moreover Misaki was a cute girl. The boys were shocked to hear that and disagreed to Sakura-chan. Shizuko tried to calm Sakura-chan down. Misaki and Usui were shocked to see the happenings.

Then the students came out with a ‘Valentine’s Day Battle for Usui!” on the Valentine’s Day. All the admirers or fans of Usui could confess to him and also gave him the chocolate on the Valentine’s Day. Misaki was shocked for the battle and Sakura-chan apologised to her that she had caused all the troubles. Misaki then apologised back to them instead as because of her that her 2 friends had gone through all the troubles. Sakura then suggested to Misaki that if Usui accepted her hand-made chocolate on the Valentine’s Day, it was the proof that both of them were lovers. Misaki was stunned to hear that as she said as a school Prez how she could do it.  Then the 2 friends were asking Misaki which one was more important as a School Prez or as the lover of Usui, and she could not answer. Usui saw such scene and said, “it is a hurt for me for not answer the question!” Misaki then asked Usui what he thought of the battle. He answered , “I think the battle is interesting and especially I’ll receive the hand-made chocolate from Ayuzawa’s love in a shyness way in front of all the students…I’m really looking forward for the day!” Misaki was shocked to hear that and was restless too.

When the boss of the maid café knew that Misaki would like to make the chocolate for Usui, she was so excited by nose-bleed and got all the maids and the kitchen workers to teach and help her on the chocolate making. At first, Misaki was clumsy for the making chocolate but then she really put her effort to do it after she knew all her friends were helping her and Usui was looking forward to it.

The day of the battle. SAKURA and Shizuko and other students were in a strong fighting spirit whereas the Misaki was not in the spirit. Usui was sitting in the middle. The battle began, the boys started to give advice to Usui that make sure he did not date with the girls of Seika High, some even showed him the photo of his sister as want to introduce to him, and some gave him chocolates and all were rejected by Usui. Then it was the girls’ turn as the girls gave him the chocolates weather as love or friendship, all were rejected by Usui too.  Usui was telling them “I’m sorry, I can’t accept it! Sorry! Sorry!”

There was a silence after 30 minutes, all the admires or fans of Usui had been rejected by Usui. They were all feeling down. Usui was also not in the mood. The last person was Misaki, and Sakura told her “Gambetta!” When Misaki was walking towards to Usui, the students started to make noise and looking at them. Misaki told Usui, “You made me realised that you really are a popular person, as compared to me, I was totally different from you..I’m the Devil School Prez and want to have strong power; therefore I have to be strict for myself!”Misaki was thinking that because of Usui, that she had fall in love. She continued to say, “I’ll definitely cut off this battle if it was 1 year ago without asking any questions!” “Maybe!”Usui said. Misaki then took a deep breath and shouted out “I love Usui! Please accept it!” and handed out the chocolate to him. Everyone was surprised to hear and see that and then there was a silent.
The boys were whispering again and said if Misaki was doing the confession to Usui. Misaki was thinking to herself that her confession was not in a ladylike manner. Usui then taken the chocolate from her and the boys were shocked to see it and they could not believe that he accepted it. When the chocolate box was opened, they saw the chocolate was not look like chocolate but otherwise, and Misaki was mad to hear that. But Usui put the chocolate into his mouth and the boys were shocked to see he was eating it. Usui swallowed the chocolate and said “Mmm… it’s taste good!” He was licking his finger too and continued to say, “It’s my girlfriend who hand-made it by herself!” The boys were shocked to hear it and wanted Usui to explain about it. Thus Usui stood up and grabbed Misaki by her shoulder to stand close to him and said, “I also love Ayuzawa, therefore we are in love with each other, as people said lovers. I can’t accept anyone else but Ayuzawa.” The boys were shocked for it and some still said it was impossible or unbelievable. Then they said it was their first time to see such School Prez with the blushing expression. They still wondering why it would be the Prez and they said luckily Hinata had gone to work as he could not see such happening. His friends said that Hinata had never given up on Misaki.

On the other hand, Hinata visited Misaki’s family after his work. They even offered him the cake as Misaki was yet to be home. Misaki’s sister told him that Misaki had to work late and asked if he wanted to wait for her. Then he decided to leave as he did not want to disturb them.

“This is the first time that I took a long way to go home.” Misaki told Usui. Usui was glad for it and he was wearing Misaki’s scarf (the present to him from her). “But you said you will make me happy for the day!” Usui replied to her. “What?! You have misunderstood my meaning!” she said. Usui was smiling and said “I’ve nothing to say as I’ve been rejecting for the whole day. I’m very, very happy for the day!” “I’m kinda pissed off for it due to someone”, Misaki said. “Oh…c’mon!”he said. Both Misaki and Usui were holding hands and walked back home. On the other side at the Maid Café, the idiot trio was very depressed due to Misaki was day off on the Valentine’s Day.

End of the chapter.


  1. thank you very much for this summury !! i've posted it on my french blog for the french fans !! ;)

    it's ok i guess ?

    (sorry for my english...)


  2. Hi Kana-chan! firstly, thanx for visiting my blog! it's ok that u link this post to your blog as long as you let me know about it. well, hope your french friends will enjoy the translation story! :) Hope you'll always follow my blog! :)

  3. Thank you very much for the excellent report
    But do you know when translated
    I am very excited

    I know this manga site issue as soon boast



  4. thank you very much for your work, I was desperate to know what had happen after their trip and I couldn't understand nothing in chinese. again than you.

  5. Thanks for this summary...
    I love this chapter....
    Because of this now I already knew the story of this chapter, cause i'm waiting for this chapter to be translated for a long time.. hehe

    Thanks again...
    I really love Kaichou wa Maid Sama..:)

  6. Hello to Anonymous and gerl_phoenix! glad to know that you are enjoyed my translation of the story and thanx for your visiting here. hope you all will follow my blog always! :)
